Monday, August 1, 2011

Let's chip in for Chip

Let's chip in for Chip | Help 1-month old baby Hero Chip get the heart operation he needs to save his life.

I woke up very early today (9:30 am) since I came home around 6am from my night job. Since I can't sleep, i just browse my FB and came across with si KV's post about this "fighter". As you all know my son Rylee passed away because of heart issue and after reading Chip's story I was really amazed with this little fighter.  He's not only fighting for his life but also for his family. I can bet that his mom have a great faith above :)

So to know much more about Chip, check out his site.

Please help us this child. 


Hi. Meet Hero “Chip” Abrera.

He was born on June 19, 2011. He shares the same birthday as the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal (hence the name). He’s barely a month old, but hopefully, someday, he’ll grow up to live up to his name.
A very promising start. Hero “Chip”, however, has a congenital heart condition. He has ventricular septal defect, or VSD. He has, literally, a hole in his heart. Specifically, a hole in the muscular wall (septum) that divides the left and right lower chambers (ventricles) of his heart.
This means that his heart gets overloaded due to the abnormal flow of blood. This puts a lot of strain on his infant heart, which pounds abnormally hard on his chest. It strains his lungs as well, which causes him to labor for breath.
If left untreated, his VSD can cause permanent damage to his lungs, or make his heart fail all of a sudden. Hero’s heart needs to be mended as soon as possible to prevent any further damage. But the cost of a heart surgery — PhP500,000++ or more than half a million (roughly USD $11,700) not counting the hospitalization and medicine expenses — is way too high for his young, twenty-something parents to shoulder.
Update: Chip’s official diagnosis is “large sub-pulmonic VSD .6 and an interrupted aortic arch”. Procedure to be done is open heart total repair surgery for little Chip. It is the interrupted aortic arch that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
To complicate matters, he was also born with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, a genetic disorder that makes him sensitive to certain food, drugs and other substances. These can include drugs that are used to cope with VSD and his mother’s breastmilk. He needs to be under a special diet. (If you notice that he has yellow skin and eyes, that’s jaundice resulting from this disorder.)
Hero “Chip” is being sustained by medications and care by competent medical staff in the Philippine Heart Center, but the surgery needs to be performed as soon as possible. Time is of the essence.

Hero “Chip” needs your help. Be Hero’s hero, and chip in for his heart surgery.

Can’t donate funds? Here are other ways you can help:

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